
Disordered eating during pregnancy among individuals participating in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for WIC

Dr. Michele Levine and her team examined associations between WIC participation and disordered eating in pregnancy, covarying for depressive symptoms. Findings show that WIC participation was associated with higher scores on overall eating pathology as well as dieting and oral control subscales, but not bulimic or food preoccupation subscales, or a binge-eating item. Patterns of findings did not change when depressive symptom severity was included in models.

Sex-related differences in the prevalence of substance use disorders, treatment, and overdose among parents

Drs. Gao, Krans, and Jarlenski found in their recent study that female parents are less likely to be diagnosed with a substance use disorder (SUD) or receive medication for an opioid use disorder (MOUD) than male parents. Removing policies that criminalize parental SUD and addressing childcare-related barriers may improve SUD identification and treatment.

Read more about their findings here:

Finding ways to work parenting into cystic fibrosis

As more people with cystic fibrosis (CF) consider their reproductive futures, the impact of parenthood on CF must be better understood. Olivia Stransky and Dr. Traci Kazmerski found that parents with CF identified unique challenges to their existence as both parents and patients as well as ways in which parenting has enhanced their lives.

Read more about their study here:

Parenthood impacts short-term health outcomes in people with cystic fibrosis

There is a major knowledge gap regarding the health impacts of parenthood in people with cystic fibrosis (CF). Using UK CF registry data to evaluate parenthood's impact on health outcomes, Dr. Traci Kazmerski and her team found that parenthood adversely impacts short-term health outcomes for people with CF. To better understand the impact of the widespread use CFTR modulators, longer-term, prospective parenthood studies are needed.

Family-building and parenting considerations for people with cystic fibrosis

Dr. Traci Kazmerski and her team looked at the family-building and parenting considerations for people with cystic fibrosis (CF), including:

  • Reproductive goals
  • Family-building concerns faced by people with CF including fertility, pregnancy, and alternative paths to parenthood
  • The impact of parenthood on mental and physical health
  • Important future research

Men expressed concerns related to family planning, parenting, and sexual and reproductive health

Dr. Mehret Birru Talabi and Olivia Stansky explored family planning, parenting, and sexual and reproductive health care needs and experiences of men with rheumatic diseases.


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