Optimizing Reproductive Health in People with Chronic Disease (ORCHID)


ORCHID (Optimizing Reproductive Health in People with Chronic Disease) seeks to develop innovative health care models to optimize reproductive health among people with chronic disease.

Co-directed by Dr. Mehret Birru Talabi and Dr. Traci Kazmerski, we see ORCHID as a space that can serve as:

  • A gathering point for researchers, clinicians, trainees, and community members interested in advancing reproductive health care for people with chronic diseases
  • An incubator for QI and research projects
  • A source for exploring existing clinical care models and/or evaluation systems for reproductive health care for populations with chronic medical conditions and intersectional identities that are associated with adverse outcomes (e.g., race, disability, socioeconomic factors)
  • A collaborative hub for research development and intellectual support
  • An audience for relevant works-in-progress
  • A brainstorming collective for various aspects of reproductive health care, data dissemination, and new approaches to providing reproductive clinical care for patients with chronic medical illnesses