Overlap between birth trauma and mistreatment

Overlap between birth trauma and mistreatment

Drs. Cynthia Salter, Judy Chang, and Dara Mendez collaborated on a qualitative analysis exploring American clinician perspectives on patient birth experiences looking at birth trauma and mistreatment. This study contributes new insight into maternity clinicians' conceptualization of patient trauma and how their descriptions of birth trauma overlap with mistreatment. Clinicians implicitly connected mistreatment with some patient experiences of birth trauma, even when they were not specifically asked about mistreatment. Findings point to a need for further research into mistreatment, including routinized "everyday care" that may include mistreatment, particularly for marginalized and historically excluded birthing people.

Read more about their findings here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37085888/