
Proceedings Release: Defining and Evaluating In-Home Drug Disposal Systems For Opioid Analgesics Workshop

Dr. Tamar Krishnamurti was one of the panelists discussing real world implementation considerations for in-home opioid disposal systems for National Academies Sciences Engineering Medicine's drug forum publication on drug disposal systems for opioids. 

Tamar Krishnamurti receives the First in FemTech Award!

Tamar Krishnamurti, PhD received the First in FemTech Award from FemTech Focus! The FemTech movement is built and inspired by leaders like Dr. Krishnamurti and she is being recognized for her showed contributions to women’s health through her excellence in innovation, leadership qualities, milestones accomplished, collaborative spirit, and her dedication to accessibility, affordability, and diversity.

Using implementation science frameworks to translate and adapt a pregnancy app for the Latino community

Dr. Tamar Krishnamurti's recent work illustrates a process to adapt an mHealth pregnancy app to the needs of the Latino community, by incorporating culturally sensitive Spanish language content while focusing on addressing existing health disparities. Findings show that there are several instances where a direct translation approach, predicated on a positive patient-provider relationship, would fail to address the healthcare needs of the members of the Latino community.

National Institutes of Health Request for Comments on Women's Health

On September 15, 2021, CWHRI faculty collaborated on a letter to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) about the current state of women's and gender health. Focusing on developing and validating meaningful measures, building data infrastructure, and developing and testing innovative interventions, these comments create a foundation for how the NIH can move forward to advance gender and racial equity in the Office of Research on Women's Health.